Die technischen Daten, Lieferumfang und Support.

Die technischen Daten des CENTurbo2 wurden direkt von CENTEK übernommen. Aktuelle Daten sind jederzeit über die CENTEK-Homepage erreichbar.

  • a new CPU 68030 32-Bit Highway at 50 MHz permanently !
  • a SIMM 32-Bit standard socket offers 32-Bit EDO Fast-RAM (16 or 32 MB) acceded 7 times quicker than on original 16 MHz ST-Ram thanks to the BURST accesses of the 030 (32 MB/s) at 50 MHz.
  • a socket for a 32-Bit COPROCESSOR (68882-33) at 50 MHz.
  • the DSP of the Falcon is clocked at 50 MHz.
  • the BUS of the Falcon is clocked at 50 MHz (the CPU accesses at 50 MHz !).
  • a 32-Bit Direct CPU BUS Slot, compatible extension of the Falcon BUS Slot will be available allowing you to use your 'old' cards (but not in the original case). Hardware documentation AVAILABLE for Hardware Designers !
  • on board 64 KB FLASH Eprom containing a new SET UP (NVRAM) and the BOOT of DOLMEN FALCON.
  • DOLMEN FALCON. The new and ultra powered MULTITASKING Operating Sytem. DOLMEN FALCON is 100% ASM and TOS (AES & VDI) compatible !
  • a hardware switch enables you to come back to the 100% Falcon original mode.
  • Wonderfully designed, the CENTurbo II fits in the original case within being embedded in the bus slot, needing only 14 wires soldering.

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