The Developers on CT + CTPCI

Didier Mequignon

- CTPCI BIOS & fVDI integration

- Graphical Radeon 7000/7500 cards Driver

- USB NEC card Driver

- Anyplayer

Patrice Mandin

- Doom, Heretic & Hexen

- Linux 68k

- Set up CT60

- Tos & MinT PCI drivers

- NVIDIA driver.

David Brylka (GT Turbo) Topaze http://cerebral-vortex.net/index.php?id=85
Peter Persson

I intend to make all projects compatible with the CTPCI and the SuperVidel.

Miro Kropacek - Making sure my production is CTPCI compatible / enhanceable (graphics in the first place)
- I'd like to work on some clean, system-friendly 2D/3D graphics library, maybe it would be improving SDL + adding some other 3D library (Mesa?), maybe something else in this way, I'm not sure (and as always, it's about time/motivation/other projects passion)
- Help with drivers for PCI devices
Reimund Dratwa Coding Open GL like 3d API optimized for the 68060 http://ray.tscc.de
Guillaume Tello - Patched software : ASSEMBLE, PURE DEBUGGER, Forth, M-Player 3.30, Gemview 3.18, Zero-X 2.0, ... http://gtello.pagesperso-orange.fr/falcon_e.htm#soft
Mariusz Buras (sqward)

- Driver for IDE cards based on SILICONIMAGE chips

- Driver for ETHERNET cards based on REALTEK chips