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15.2.2 Logitech Maus anschliessen

Logitech Maus anschliessen

I have connected a serial / PS2 Logitech Pilot mouse with my Falcon on the LAN port (because the serial 2 is used by my modem). The driver GENMOUSE 2.6 works fine. My congiguration is:

Connection: LAN
Protocol: Logitech
Speed up: 13
Dynamic: 1
Smooth: on, 200

With this values I have the same results than my old mouse. I use the driver under TOS 4.02 and MagiC 6.

For info, it's easy to connect a serial/PS2 mouse on the LAN port:

                                          Logitech Mouse
  LAN/RS422                               Serial & PS/2
++++++++++++++                           +++++++++++++++
+ 1: HSKo    +------------->-------------+ 5: CLK (RTS)+
+ 2: HSKi/CLK+   | Power source 1        +             +
+ 3: TXD-    +------------->-------------+ 6: N/C (RX) +
+ 4: GND     +                           +             +
+ 5: RXD-    +-------------<-------------+ 2: N/C (TX) +
+ 6: TXD+    +   Power source 2          +             +
+ 7: GPi     +   7 Atari mouse port >----+ 1: Data(DTR)+
+ 8: RXD+    +-------------<-------------+ 3: GND      +
+ Blindage   +------------->-------------+ Blindage    +
++++++++++++++                           +++++++++++++++

Mini-din PS/2 type:

    6   5
  4   X   3

    2   1

1: Data
2: N/C -> TX in serial mode
3: GND
4: VCC 5V
5: CLK
6: N/C -> RX in serial mode

Mini-din LAN/RS422:

    8 7 6

  5   4   3

    2   1

1: HSKo Output hanshake
2: HSKi/CLK Input hanshake or external clock
3: TXD-
4: GND
5: RXD-
6: TXD+
7: GPi General purpose output
8: RXD+

It's possible to use the original mini-din PS/2 mouse if you cross the wires inside the Logitech mouse.

Aniplayer download: http://aniplay.atari.org

Copyright © Robert Schaffner (doit@doitarchive.de)
Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Mai 2004
Home Mäuse & Adapter Mäuse überprüfen YAMI - Yet Another Mouse Interface