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25.5 Fehler und Bomben

Fehler und Bomben beim Atari TOS

Da schon manchmal die Frage an mich gestellt wurde welche Bedeutung die Anzahl der Bomben hat die ein Atari vorbringt, habe ich mich in den Entwickerunterlagen umgesehen und nachfolgendes zu den verschiedenen Atari Systemeldungen gefunden:

Most wanted answers about the atari error codes are listed in the tables below. Most of the error codes i found in the german developer manuals.

Number of Bombs and Meaning

2 Bombs
BUS ERROR. COMPO IC asserd bus error
3 Bombs
ADRESS ERROR. Processor fetched an instruction from
ROM or RAM which was not a legal instruction
4 Bombs
ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION. Processor was asked to
perform a division by zero
5 Bombs
ZERO DIVIDE. Processor was asked to perform a division by zero
6 Bombs
CHK INSTRUCTION. This is a legal instruction,if software uses this, it must
7 Bombs
8 Bombs
PIVILEGE VIOLATION. CPU was in user mode, tried to execute a 68030 instruction that can only be performed in supervisor mode
9 Bombs
TRACE. If trace bit iss set in the status register, the CPU will execute this exeption after every instruction Used to debug software
10 Bombs
LINE 1010 EMULATOR. CPU read an instruction which '1010' as its most significant nibble. Used by TOS for low level graphics software routines
11 Bombs
LINE 1111 EMULATOR. CPU read an instruction which has '1111' as its most significant nibble
12 Bombs
Unassigned, should be no occurrence
13 Bombs
Coprocessor Protocol Violation. A read of the FPU has rersulted in a illegal value
14 Bombs
Format Error. The format word passed to the FPU was invalid
15 Bombs
Uninitialized Interrupt. An interrupt was received thad had not been reset
16-23 Bombs
Unassigned, should be no occurance
24 Bombs
SPURIOUS INTERRUPT. Bus error during interrupt processing
25-31 Bombs
AUTOVECTOR INTERRUPT. Numbers 4 and 2 are used, others should have no occurance
32-47 Bombs
TRAP INSTRUCTION / Exeption. CPU read instruction which is used to generate a software exeption (GEMDOS,VDI or AES)
48-63 Bombs
MC68881 / MC68882 FPU exeption vectors
64-79 Bombs
MFP interrupts / vectors
80-95 Bombs
MC68901 MFP vectors (TT/Falcon ??)
96-111 Bombs
Zilog 86C30 SCC vectors (MegaSTE/TT/Falcon only)
128-255 Bombs

Die allgemeinen Fehlemeldungen des Atari-TOS

TOS Meldung Nr. Fehlerbeschreibung

TOS-Error 1
Allgemeiner Fehler ohne nähere Beschreibung.
TOS-Error 2
Diskettenlaufwerk ist nicht bereit.
TOS-Error 3
Unbekannter Befehl
TOS-Error 4
CRC Fehler - Prüfsumme der Diskette ist falsch.
TOS-Error 5
Fehlerhafter Ladeversuch.
TOS-Error 6
Seek Fehler - Spur nicht gefunden.
TOS-Error 7
Unbekannter Datenträger - falscher/defekter Bootsektor.
TOS-Error 8
Sektor auf der Disk nicht gefunden.
TOS-Error 9
Drucker hat kein Papier mehr.
TOS-Error 10
Schreibfehler - auf Diskette oder Festplatte.
TOS-Error 11
Leswefehler - auf Diskette oder Festplatte.
TOS-Error 12
Allgemeiner Fehler ohne nähere Beschreibung.
TOS-Error 13
Das Laufwerk ist Schreibgeschützt.
TOS-Error 14
Diskette wurde gewechselt.
TOS-Error 15
Unbekanntes Gerät.
TOS-Error 16
Defekter Sektor - nach Verify.
TOS-Error 17
Neue Diskette einlegen.
TOS-Error 19
Device ist nicht ansprechbar
TOS-Error 32
Falsche Funktionsnummer.
TOS-Error 33
File/Datei nicht gefunden.
TOS-Error 34
Pfad nicht gefunden oder Pfad falsch.
TOS-Error 35
Zu viele Dateien offen.
TOS-Error 36
Zugriff verweigert - Datei zerstört.
TOS-Error 37
Falsche Handle.
TOS-Error 39
Kein Speicher mehr frei.
TOS-Error 40
Falsche Speicherblockadresse.
TOS-Error 46
Falsche Laufwerksspezifikation.
TOS-Error 48
Doppelte Dateinamen (nicht auf dem gleichen Drive)
TOS-Error 49
Keine weiteren Dateien/Files.
TOS-Error 58
Eintrag ist geschützt (File locking and network)
TOS-Error 59
No such lock (Unlock an unlocked record)
TOS-Error 64
GEMDOS Bereichsfehler - Seek Fehlgeschlagen?
TOS-Error 65
Interner GEMDOS Fehler.
TOS-Error 66
Kein ausführbares Programm.
TOS-Error 67
TOS-Error 80
Too many symbolic links
TOS-Error 200
Mount point crossed (indikator)

Ever wondered what those TOS error messages and 'bombs' on your monitor signified? Below is a letter, originally written by Darryl May, that John Townsend of Atari posted on GEnie in January to provide some answers. This letter also appeared in the June 1988 issue of _Current Notes_ (122 N. Johnson Rd., Sterling, VA 22170).

Dear ATARI customer,

The following is an official list of the errors that can appear while you are operating your ST computer. This first list gives you the GEM error messages:

Tabelle 144: Description of GEM Error Codes
Error description GEM Error code
OK (no error) 0
Fundamental error 1
Drive not ready 2
Unknown command 3
CRC error 4
Bad request 5
Seek error 6
Unknown media 7
Sector not found 8
No paper 9
Write fault 10
Read fault 11
General error 12
Write protect 13
Media change 14
Unknown device 15
Bad sectors on format 16
Insert other disk 17
Invalid function number 32
File not found 33
Path not found 34
No handles left 35
Access denied 36
Invalid handle 37
Insufficient memory 39
Invalid memory block address 40
Invalid drive specified 46
No more files 49
Range error 64
Internal error 65
Invalid program load format 66

Those bombs that appear on your screen are error messages from
the 68000 micro-processor.

Tabelle 145: Description of 68000 Error Codes
Description Number of bombs
Reset: Initial PC2 1
Bus Error 2
Address Error 3
Illegal Instruction 4
Zero Divide 5
CHK Instruction 6
TRAPV Instruction 7
Privilege Violation 8
Trace 9
Line 1010 Emulator 10
Line 1111 Emulator 11
[unassigned, reserved] 12
[unassigned, reserved] 13
Format Error 14
Uninitialized Interrupt Vector 15
[unassigned, reserved] 16-23
Spurious Interrupt 24
Level 1 Interrupt Autovector 25
Level 2 Interrupt Autovector 26
Level 3 Interrupt Autovector 27
Level 4 Interrupt Autovector 28
Level 5 Interrupt Autovector 29
Level 6 Interrupt Autovector 30
Level 7 Interrupt Autovector 31
Trap Instruction Vectors 32-47
[unassigned, reserved] 48-63
User Interrupt Vectors 64-255

Sytem Error codes

Tabelle 146: Atari System Error Codes
Name Description Return Code Alertbox No.
ENOERR OK (no error) 0
EERROR Fundamental error -1
EDRNRDY Drive not ready -2
EUKCMD Unknown command -3
ECRC CRC error -4
EBADREQ Bad request -5
ESEEK Seek error -6
EUKMEDIA Unknown media -7
ESECTOR Sector not found -8
EPAPER No paper -9
EWRITE Write fault -10
EREAD Read fault -11
EGENERIC General error -12
EROFS Write protect -13
ECHMEDIA Media change -14
EUKDEV Unknown device -15
EBADSEC Bad sectors on format -16
EIDISK Insert other disk -17
EINVAL Invalid function number -32 1
ENOENT File not found -33 2
EPATH Path not found -34 3
EMFILE No handles left -35 4
EACCESS Access denied -36 5
EBADF Invalid handle -37 6
ENOMEM Insufficient memory -39 8
EFAULT Invalid memory block address -40 9
ENXIO Invalid drive specified -46 15
EXDEV Cross device rename -48
ENMFILES No more files -49 18
ELOCKED Locking conflict -58
EBADARG Range error -64 33
EINTERNAL Internal error -65 34
ENOEXEC Invalid program load format -66 35
ESBLOCK Set block failed -67
EMLINK Too many symbolic links -80
EPIPE Write to a broken pipe -81
EEXISTS File exists, try again later -85
ENAMETOOLONG Name too long -86
EDOM -89
EIO ! I/O error -90
ENOSPC Disk full -91

Network error numbers. Only valid when running MintNet.

Tabelle 147: MintNet Network Error Codes
Name Description Return Code Alertbox No.
ENOTSOCK Socket operation on non-socket -300
EDESTADDRREQ Destination address required -301
EMSGSIZE Message too long -302
EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for socket -303
ENOPROTOOPT Protocol not available -304
EPROTONOSUPPORT Protocol not supported -305
ESOCKTNOSUPPORT Socket type not supported -306
EOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported -307
EPFNOSUPPORT Protocol family not supported -308
EAFNOSUPPORT Address family not supported by protocol -309
EADDRINUSE Address already in use -310
EADDRNOTAVAIL Cannot assign requested address -311
ENETDOWN Network is down -312
ENETUNREACH Network is unreachable -313
ENETRESET Network dropped conn. because of reset -314
ECONNABORTED Software caused connection abort -315
ECONNRESET Connection reset by peer -316
EISCONN Socket is already connected -317
ENOTCONN Socket is not connected -318
ESHUTDOWN Cannot send after shutdown -319
ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out -320
ECONNREFUSED Connection refused -321
EHOSTDOWN Host is down -322
EHOSTUNREACH No route to host -323
EALREADY Operation already in progress -324
EINPROGRESS Operation now in progress -325
EWOULDBLOCK Operation would block -326

Zusammengestellte Meldungen aus verschiedenen Systemhandbüchern und den folgenden Einzelpersonen:
von whittam@primenet.com
Ron und Sharon Whittam
Darryl May

Copyright © Robert Schaffner (doit@doitarchive.de)
Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Mai 2004
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