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3.9 Spezifikation Atari STe Die Spezifikation der Atari STe Serie
Atari STE Hardware documentation, taken from the developer
information, and altered to correspond more to observed facts than the
original documentation.
The Atari STE is an enhanced version of the ST with the following
The colour pallete has been expanded to 4096 colours from 512.
Support for Vertical and Horizontal scrolling has been added to the
Stereo 8-bit DMA sound has been added to the system along with
volume and tone control.
New controllers ports have been added to allow keypad type
joysticks, analog paddies and a light pen.
The STE allows this to be done without opening the case. To inject
a system clock ground pin three (GPO) on the monitor connector and
then inject the clock into pin 4 (mono direct). The internal frequency
of this clock is 32.215905 MHz (NTSC) and 31.922046 MHz (PAL).
Four new joystick ports are added. These ports are controlled
S*directly by the 68000. The current state may be sampled at any time
by reading the locations. Joystick 0 and Joystick 2 direction bits are
read/write. If written to they will be driven until a read is
performed. Similarly, they will not be driven after a read until a
write is performed.
One pair of paddles can be plugged into Joystick 0 (Paddle 0). A
second set can be plugged into Joystick 1 (Paddle 1). The current
position of each of the four paddles is reported at these locations.
The fire buttons are the same as for the respective joystick. The
triggers for the paddles are read as bits one and two of FF9202 (JOY 0
Left and Right).
A light gun or pen can be plugged into Joystick 0. The current
position that the gun or pen is pointing to is reported by these
registers. The position is accurate to within (X direction only):
Three new registers are provided to implement fine-scrolling and
split screen displays:
The following registers have been changed on the STE to allow
greater control over the display:
Abbildung 1 - 1040Ste Mainboard
Die Bilder des 1040STe wurden von Bernd Maedicke zur
Verfügung gestellt.
Abbildung 2 - 1040Ste Mainboard
Sound is stored in memory as digitized samples. Each sample is a number, from -128 to +127, which represents displacement of the speaker from the "neutral" or middle possition. During horizontal blanking (transparent to the processor) the DMA sound chip fetches samples from memory and provides them to a digital-to-analog canverter (DCA) at one of several constant rates, programmable as (approximately) 50KHz (kilohertz), 25 Khz, 12.5KHz, and 6.25KHz. This rate is called the sample frequency.(!nl) The output of the DAC is then filtered to a frequency equal to 40% of the sample frequency by a four-pole switched low-pass filter. This program "anti-aliasing" of the sound data in a sample- frequency-sensitive way. The signal is further filtered by a two-pole fixed frequency (16KHz) low-pass filter and provided to a National LMC1992 Volume/Tone Controller. Finally, the output is available at an RCA-style output jack on the back of the computer. This can be fed into an amplifier, and then to speakers, headphones, or tape recorders.(!nl) There are two channels which behave as described above; they are intended to be used as the left and right channels of a stereo system when using the audio outputs of the machine. A monophonic mode is provided which will send the same sample data to each channel.(!nl) The stereo sound output is also mixed onto the standard ST audio
output sent to the monitor's speaker. The ST's GI sound chip output
can be mixed to the monitor and to both stereo output jacks as
Each sample is stored as a signed eight-bit quantity, where - 128 (80 hex) means full negative displacement of the speaker, and 127 (7F hex) means full positive displacement. In some stereo mode, each word represents two samples: the upper byte is the sample for the left channel, and the lower byte is the sample for the right channel. In mono mode each byte is one sample. However, the samples are always fetched a word at a time, so only an even number of mono samples can be played.(!nl) A group of samples is called a "frame". A frame may be played once or can automatically be repeated forever (until sotpped). A frame is described by its start and end addresses. The end address of a frame is actually the address of the first byte in memory beyond the frame; a frame starting at address 21100 which is 10 bytes long has an end address of 21110.(!nl) Note: a zero can be written to the DMA sound control register at
any time to stop playback immediately.(!nl)
The simplest way to produce a sound is to assemble a frame in memory, write the start address of the frame into the Frame Start Address register, and the end address of the frame into the Frame End address register, set the Mode register appropriately (set stereo to mono, and the sample frequency), and write a one into the Sound DMA Control register. The frame will play once, then stop.(!nl) To produce continuous sound, and link frames together, more elaborate techniques are required.(!nl) The DMA sound chip produces a signal called "DMA sound active" which is one when the chip is playing sounds, and a zero when it's not. When a frame ends in the repeat mode (mode 3), there is a transition from "active" to "idle" and back again on this signal. The signal is presented as the external input to MFP Timer A. You can put Timer A into Event Count mode and use it to generate an interrupt, for example when a frame has played a given number of timees. Because of the design of the MFP, the active edge for this signal must be the same as the input on GPIP 14, which is the interrupt line from the keyboard and MIDI interfaces. It is, and the Active Edge Register is already programmed for that, so you need not worry about that if you use Timer A to count frames.(!nl) The DMA Sound Chip's mode 3 (repeat mode) ensures seamless linkage of frames, because the start and end registers are actually double-buffered. When you write to these resisters, what you write really goes into a "holding area". The contents of the holding area go into the true registers at the end of the current frame. (Actually, they go in when the chip is idle, which means right away if the chip was idle to begin with.)(!nl) If you have two frames which you want played in succession, you can write the start and end address of the first frame into the chip, then set its control register to 3. The first frame will begin playing. You can then immediately write the start and end addresses of the second frame into the chip: they will be held in the holding area until the first frame finishes, then they'll be copied into the true registers and the second frame will play. The interrupt between frames will still happen, so you can tell when the first frame has finished. Then, for instance, you can write the start and end registers for the start of the third frame, knowing that it will begin as soon as the second frame has finished. You could even write new data into the first frame and write its start and end address into the chip; this kind of ping-pong effect is rather like double-buffering of a graphics display.(!nl) Here is an example of using Timer A in Event Count mode to play a
controlled series of frames. Suppose you have three frames, A, B and
C, and you want to play frame A three times, then frame B five times,
and finally frame C twice. The sequence of steps below will accomplish
this. Numbered steps are carried out by your program; the bracketed
descriptions are of things which are happening as a result.(!nl)
[At the end of the sound repition of Frame A, the timer's
interrupt fires. At the same time, frame A begins its third
[When the current repetition finishes, the start and end registers
are loaded fron the holding area, and Frame B will begin playing. The
end of play signal will cause Timer A to count from 5 to 4. At the end
of Frame B's fourth repetition, its fifth will start, the timer will
count down from 1 to 0, and the interrupt will occur.](!nl)
[When the current repetition (B's fifth) finishes, the start and
end registers are loaded from the holding area, and Frame C will begin
playing. The end-of-frame signal causes Timer A to count down from 2
to 1. When Frame C finishes its first repetition, Timer A counts down
from 1 to 0 and interrupts.](!nl)
Besides going to the external input signal of Timer A, the DMA-sound-active signal, true high, is exclusive-ORed with the monochrome-detect signal, and together they form the GPIP 17 input to the M68901 MFP. The intent of this is to provide for interrupt-driven sound drivers without using up the last general-purpose timer in the MFP. It is a little trickier to use, however. For one thing, it causes the interrupt at the end of every frame, not after a specified number of frames. For another, the "interesting" edge on this signal depends on what kind of monitor you have.(!nl) On an ST, monochrme monitors ground the mono-detect signal, so when you read the bit in the MFP you get a zero. Colour monitors do not ground it, so it reads as a one. When the DMA sound is idle (0), this is still the case. However, when the sound is active (1), the mono-detect signal is inverted by the XOR, so the bit in the MFP reads the opposite way. (the one place where the OS reads this bit as at VBLANK time, to see if you've changed monitors. The ROMs on any machine with DMA sound are approprietely modified, so you need not worry about this.)(!nl) If you want to use the mono-detect / DMA interrupt signal, you have to set up the active-edge register in the MFP to cause the interrupt at the right time. The interesting edge on the DMA signal is the falling edge, that is, from active to idle; this happens when a frame finishes. If you have a monochrome monitor, this edge is seen as a transition from 1 to 0 on MFP bit 17. However, with a colour monitor, the edge will be seen as a transition from 0 to 1. Therefore, you have to program the MFP's active-edge regisrer differently depending on which monitor you have. Make sure the DMA sound is idle (write a zero to the control register), then check MFP 17: if it's one, you have a colour monitor, and you need to see the rising edge. If it's zreo, you have a monochrome monitor, and you need to see the falling edge.(!nl) The DMA sound active signal goes from "active" to
"idle" when a frame finishes. If it was playing in mode one,
it stays "idle" and the control register reverts to zero. If
it was playing in mode 3 the signal goes back to "active" as
the next frame begins. In this case, the signal is actually in the
"idle" state for a very short time, but the MFP catches it
and causes the interrupt, so don't worry.(!nl)
Regardless of how you manage your interrupts, there is more you should know: the signal goes from "active" to "idle" when the DMA sound chip has fetched the last sample in the frame. There is a four-word FIFO in the chip, however, so it will be eight sample-times (four in stereo mode) before the sound actually finishes. If you are using mode 1, you can use this time to set up the chip with the start and end addresses of the next frame, so it will start as soon as the current one ends. However, if the interrupt should be postponed for four or eight sample-times, you could miss your chance to start the sound seamlessly. Therefore, for seamless linkage, use the pre-loading technique described above.(!nl)
The MICROWIRE interface provided to talk to the national LMC1992
Computer Controlled Volume / Tone Control is a general purpose
MICROWIRE interface to allow the future addition of other MICROWIRE
devices. For this reason, the following description of its use will
make no assumptions about the device being addressed.
The MICROWIRE bus is a three wire serial connection and protocol
designed to allow multiple devices to be individually addresses by the
controller. The lengh of the serial data straem depends on the
destination device. In general, the stream consists of N bits of
address, followed by zero or more don't care bits, followed by M bits
of data. The hardware interface provided consists of two 16 bit
read/write registers: one data register which contains the actual bit
stream to be shifted out, and one mask register which indicates which
bits are valid.
Let's consider a mythical device which requires two address bits
and one data bit. For this device the total bit stream is three bits
(minimum). Any three bits of the register pair may be used. However,
since the most significant bit is shifted first, the commanmd will be
received by the device soonest if the three most if the three most
significant bits are used. Let's assume: 01 is the devise's address, D
is the data to be written, and X's are don't cares. Then all of the
following register combinations will provide the same information to
the device.
1110 0000 0000 0000 Mask
The mask register must be written before the data register.
Sending commences when the data register is written and takes
approximately 16usec. Subsequent writes to the data and mask registers
are blocked until sending is complete. Reading the registers while
sending is in progress will return a snapshot of the shift register
shifting the data and mask out. This means that you know it is safe to
send the next command when these registers (or either one) return to
thier original state. Note that the mask register does not need to be
rewritten if it is already correct. That is, when sending a series of
commands the mask register only needs to be written once.
The LMC1992 is used to provide volume and tone control. Before you go and find a data sheet for this part, be warned that we do not use all of its features. Commands for the features we do use are listed below. Communication with this device is achieved using the MICROWIRE interface. See MICROWIRE INTERFACE the section for details. The device has a two bit address field, address = 10, and a nine bit data field. There is no way to reading the current setting.
Device address = 10 (Address precedes command)
The MICROWIRE interface is not hard to use: once you get it right,
you'll never have to figure it out again.
The easiest way to use it is to ignore the flexibility, and just
use one form for all commands. Since the Volume/Tone chip is the only
device, and it has a total of 11 bits of address and data, your mask
should be $07ff. If you're picky, you can use $ffe0, because the
high-order bits are shifted out first, but it adds conceptual
complexity. With a mask of $07ff, the lower 9 bits of the data
register are used for the data, and the next higher two bits are for
the address:
Arrangement (Looking towards STE): 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 15 14 13 12 11 Connections (PORT A): 1: UP 0 5: PAD 0Y 9: GND 13: LT 2 2: DN 0 6: FIRE 0 10: FIRE 2 14: RT 2 3: LT 0 7: +5v 11: UP 2 15: PAD 0X 4: RT 0 8: n/c 12: DN 2 Connections (PORT B): 1: UP 1 5: PAD 1Y 9: GND 13: LT 3 2: DN 1 6: FIRE 1 10: FIRE 3 14: RT 3 3: LT 1 7: +5v 11: UP 3 15: PAD 1X 4: RT 1 8: n/c 12: DN 3
FF9201 ---- 3120 RO Fire Buttons FF9202 UDLR UDLR UDLR UDLR RW Joystick 3/2/1/0 Directions FF9211 xxxx xxxx RO X-Paddle 0 FF9213 xxxx xxxx RO Y-Paddle 0 FF9215 xxxx xxxx RO X-Paddle 1 FF9217 xxxx xxxx RO Y-Paddle 1 FF9220 ---- --xx xxxx xxxx RO Light Gun X-Pos FF9222 ---- --xx xxxx xxxx RO Light Gun Y-Pos
FF8205 --xx xxxx RW Video Address High FF8207 xxxx xxxx RW Video Address Mid FF8209 xxxx xxx- RW Video Address Low FF820D xxxx xxx- RW Video Base Address Low FF820F xxxx xxxx RW Over-Length Line Width FF8264 ---- xxxx RW Undocumented HSCROLL register: no extra fetch FF8265 ---- xxxx RW Documented HSCROLL register FF8240+ ---- 0321 0321 0321 RW Red/Green/Blue Colour settings
FF8901 ---- --cc RW Sound DMA Control cc: 00 Sound DMA disabled (reset state). 01 Sound DMA enabled, disable at end of frame. 11 Sound DMA enabled, repeat frame forever. FF8903 --xx xxxx RW Frame Base Address (high) FF8905 xxxx xxxx RW Frame Base Address (middle) FF8907 xxxx xxx- RW Frame Base Address (low) FF8909 --xx xxxx RO Frame Address Counter (high) FF890B xxxx xxxx RO Frame Address Counter (middle) FF890D xxxx xxx- RO Frame Address Counter (low) FF890F --xx xxxx RW Frame End Address (high) FF8911 xxxx xxxx RW Frame End Address (middle) FF8913 xxxx xxx- RW Frame End Address (low) FF8921 m--- --rr RW Sound Mode Control rr: 00 6258 Hz sample rate (reset state) 01 12517 Hz sample rate 10 25033 Hz sample rate 11 50066 Hz sample rate m: 0 Stereo Mode (reset state) 1 Mono Mode FF8922 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx RW MICROWIRE Data register FF8924 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx RW MICROWIRE Mask register
Copyright © Robert Schaffner (doit@doitarchive.de) Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Mai 2004 |
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