13.2.3 SH204 / SH205 SH 204 /205 Festplatte
Bauteileanordnung und die Pinbelegung der wichtigsten
Anschlußbuchsen. An den Stiftleisten J0-J2 sind die jeweiligen
Laufwerke angeschlossen, J2 ist der Steuerbus für 2 Laufwerke. J7
ist die Jumperleiste zur Gerätekonfiguration.
Bauteile auf der Controllerplatine
Die meisten SH-Netzteile lassen sich von 120V auf 230V
Netzspannung und umgekehrt umstellen!
Most SH PSU can bee changed for 120 / 230 VAC by an internal
the SH205 drives, yes *all* of them were MFM drives, not scsi. The
only atari produced external hard drives that had scsi drive mechs
were the Megafile44's which used the Syquest SA555 drive mech. Hard
drives on the ST still cause the most confusion among users. Just in
the past few months I've seen some pretty wild claims made about them
including one that any atari hard drive could handle almost any style
of hard drive mech. Another pair of users I knew locally a while back
got confused about it too. One kept insisting he had a 1GB MFM drive
(which is outright impossible) and another had an ESDI drive that he
thought was SCSI.
Copyright © Robert Schaffner (doit@doitarchive.de) Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Mai 2004 |