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13.2.6 IDE Flash Drive

IDE Flash Drives

Has anyone tried to use an IDE Flash Drives in a Falcon? I'm thinking of replacing the measly 65MB drive in my Falcon and would it seems like a flash drive would be a great idea, if it worked. It would be quite, fast and have no moving parts.

I tried a 128mb and 256mb SanDisk IDE flash drives in my hades, with no success. It just would not see the drives correctly as master or slave. I ended up reselling them on ebay.

The SCSI flash drives that take media work on my hades, even booted from one for fun, totally silent boot up, it was neat. However the speed of the scsi transfers is much lower. I have a 880mb pcmcia card that I use strictly for backups on my hades.

As long as it is 2.5" IDE drive not bigger than 6 or 8 Gb (since TOS can't "see" partitions after P...) it should work. I use Toshiba 6 Gb drive which works reather fine 3.5" IDE drives should also work but then it would be good idea to recase the Falcon to PC tower.

I just had a short look to some CF specifications: some are given for 300 000 write/erase cycles, some for 500 000, and some others for one million.

Copyright © Robert Schaffner (doit@doitarchive.de)
Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Mai 2004
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