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14.5 MegaSTe mehr als 4MB Ram MegaSTe mit mehr als 4MB Ram ausrüsten
Wie bringe ich meinen MegaSTe dazu, mehr als 4MB Ram zu benutzen?
Die Firma aixit hat einmal ein Board entwickelt, um den MSTE
aufzurüsten, in der ATOS 5/97 stand etwas über die
MagnumMSTE Speicherkarte:
Auf der Homepage von aixit (http://www.aixit.com) findet man
jedoch nichts mehr dazu, vielleich hilft ein Telefonanruf: 0241 958070
Alternativ kann man sich ja mal nach der Magnum STe - RAM-Karte umschauen. Ermöglicht bis zu 12 MB ST-RAM im STe. Bezugsquelle u.a. bei
Es folgt eine Anleitung von Uwe Poppe.
Der MegaST1 verwendet 8 dynamische RAM Chips mit der Grösse
256kx4bit. Um den Hauptspeicher auf 4MB aufzurüsten,
benötigen wir 8 RAM Chips der Grösse 1Mx4bit. Folgende Typen
können z.B. verwendet werden:
* MN414400-70
Die RAM Bausteine findet man oft auf 4MB oder 8MB
PS/2-Speichermodulen. Die Module sind momentan sehr billig zu
Als Erstes müssen wir die alten RAM-Bausteine (U40 -U47) entfernen. Ich habe mir dazu eine spezielle Lötspitze für SMD-Bauteile gebaut. Eine Lötkolbenspitze wird vorn stumpf abgesägt. Danach mit einer feinen Säge (Laubsäge, Drehmel) einen ca 5mm tiefen Schlitz in die Spitze sägen. In diese Vertiefung schiebt man ein Stück von einem Kupferkühlblech. Ich habe das Kühlblech von einem defekten IC verwendet. Falls das Blech noch wackeln sollte, einfach mit einer Zange zusammenpressen. Sicher keine Lösung zum Verkaufen, aber für ca. 20 Umbauten reichts.Der Lötkolben sollte ca. 40-60 Watt haben. Schnelles Löten schützt unsere Bausteine vor dem Wärmetod.(!nl) Nach dem Entlöten säubern wir die Lötpunkte auf der
Platine. Die Lötpunkte müssen möglichst eben sein, um
die neuen IC's später gut fixieren zu können. Das
Aufflöten der neuen Bausteine ist genauso einfach wie das
Entlöten. Dazu werden die Lötpunkte mit ausreichend
Flussmittel vorbehandelt (ich verwende Flux Set von Weller). Man kann
natürlich auch Kolophonium in Spiritus auflösen.
Nachdem ein neuer Baustein aufgesetzt wurde, mit dem Daumen
o.ä. fixieren und mit der breiten Lötkolbenspitze eine Seite
ca. 2-3 s erhitzen (Achtung !! es kann heiss werden. Das Bauteil muss
bis zum Erkalten fixiert bleiben) . Es braucht kein Lötzinn
verwendet werden. Die verbliebenen Zinnreste reichen völlig aus.
Danach kommt die andere Seite dran.
Ihr werdet erstaunt sein, wie einfach SMD löten ist.
Nachdem alle Bausteine aufgelötet sind, müssen wir unser
Kunstwerk noch ein wenig verschandeln. Dummerweise wurde im
Mainboard-Layout die Adressleitung 9 (MAD9) vergessen. Diese wird
für RAM-Zugriffe oberhalb 1MB benötigt. Aber wer den ersten
Teil erfolgreich absolviert hat sollte den zweiten Teil auch noch
schaffen. Wir verbinden alle Pins 5 unserer RAM Bausteine mit einem
Draht. Anschliessend verbinden wir unsere Adressleitung über
einen Widerstand von 33Ohm mit Pin 64 der MMU (bei mir U30 -
C100109-001). Den Widerstand am besten mit Schrumpfschlauch
überziehen um einem Kurzschluss vorzubeugen. Das wars dann auch
schon. Noch einmal prüfen, dass keine Lötbrücken
enstanden sind und dann einschalten. Wenn alles ok ist, sollte unser
ST seinen RAM-Test auf 4MB ausdehnen. Fehler äussern sich in
korrupten Bildinhalten. Dann hilft nur mit der Lupe nach kalten
Lötstellen zu suchen.
Artikel von uwe.poppe@t-online.de
In case someone is interested...
I have made an 8MB Alt-RAM + TOS 2.06 upgrade for my MegaST-4,
giving a total of 12 MB of system memory. The purpose of the exercise
was to make a reasonably simple upgrade at low cost, using only
standard TTL chips, because I do not have the resourecs to handle
programmable chips. Although undoubtedly much better Alt-RAM boards
have been designed and produced (i.e. the MagnumST) they are not
within my reach- and, besides, it was fun to design this thing,
because electronics is not my profession, just a hobby.
The design was based on an 8MB RAM upgrade for Amiga, proposed in
1992 by John Kamchen (thanks to Lyndon Amsdon for pointing to that
circuit). I suppose that my design is sufficiently similar to the
original one (four logic chips and two EPROMs added) so that,
eventually, the PCB layout provided for the Kamchen's circuit might be
The board uses eight 30-pin 1MB SIMM/SIPP modules. AFAIK the
logically equivalent 8MB 72-pin modules, or any other having 10
multiplexed-address lines can be used. The memory chips used should
have CAS-before-RAS refresh capability (not all SIMM modules had this
feature, but all those those with 8 or 9 1MBit chips should be safe to
Address space of the board starts at $600000, so there is a 2MB
"memory hole" between this address and ST-RAM which serves
(without any additional provisions) to prevent TOS from confusing this
memory with ST-RAM at boot time. Either 2, 4, 6 or 8 MB can be
installed at 2MB address intervals.
A pair of 256KB EPROMs on the board contain TOS 2.06 and Magic
6.2, which can be selected, as well as the on-motherboard TOS 1.4, by
a three-position switch. A pair of 128KB EPROMs could be used as well,
contianing only one OS, of course. Without any changes, or with some
trivial changes in design, EPROMs should be replaceable with a pair of
pin-compatible 128KB static-RAM chips. If SRAMs with "sleep
mode" are used, a rechargeable-battery backup could be installed
so that the SRAM chips would hold the OS practically indefinitely
without reloading (a provision might easily be added to disable
booting from SRAMs and revert to on-motherboiar EPROMs if battery
power is lost). If SRAMs are used, the design would be compleely free
of any programmed chips.
The design was developed on a 160x100mm single-sided prototype PCB
with 0.1 inch dot raster. All chips are socketed for easier
experimenting, and connected by soldering 0.25mm wire-wrap wire,
except for ground and Vcc which use much thicker wires. Board sits in
the 64-pin "megabus" expansion port of my MegaST; this port
is logically equivalent, as far as this application is concerned, to
connecting it directly to the CPU bus, for example in a chip-socket
soldered piggyback upon the CPU. Beside this connector, only the power
supply (5V) is needed, and two additional connections on the
motherboard. These connections are made at or near W2 jumper on the
motherboard which is used to select ROM configuration. The computer
can be completely reverted to original state by removing the board and
putting the W2 jumper back in place.
The board contains a total of 15 logic chips. Address range and
CAS is decoded by a 74HCT138 chip, and addresses are multiplexed by
three 74HCT157 chips. DTACK is produced by an open-collector 74LS09.
Unused gates from this chip were used to improve the recovery time of
the RAS and CAS signals at the end of acccess cycle. RAS/CAS delay
sequence is produced by a series of Schmitt triggers in a 74LS14 chip.
Interface beween the DRAMs and the computer data bus is by a pair of
74F245 bus transcievers. Multiplexed addresses are fed to the DRAMs
through 74F244 and 74F125 bus buffers, which was an addition to the
original design because the 74HCT157 address-multiplexers turned
unable to drive the full load of 8 SIMMs (in retrospective, my
decision to use 1MB modules was probably a bad idea; using an
8MB/72-pin module the load would probably be lower sufficiently that
the two bus-buffer chips could be omitted; using a 16MB module would
probably have simplified the design further by one or two chips
because of the smaller number of CAS lines). Btw. someone with access
to more exotic 74** chips like the 74F711-1 containing a five-fold 2:1
multiplexer with bus-driving outputs and integrated 30-ohm resistors
(instead of the 74HCT157, 74F244 and 74F125), might further reduce the
chip count by about three.
CAS-before-RAS DRAM refresh is used, i.e. with the internal row-counters in the DRAM chips. CAS-RAS refresh sequence is initiated whenever a memory access outside of the Alt-RAM memory area is attempted (i.e. any access to ST-RAM, I/O area or ROM initiates a refresh). Even if the computer is just sitting, displaying a desktop, hblank (hsync) routines (i.e. access to ROM or ST-RAM) execute sufficiently often to perform a refresh. A slight drawback of this concept is that the OS (or, more accurately- the hblank routines) can not be located in Alt-RAM, but having the two systems in on-board EPROMs, and with a possibility to replace these EPROMs with static RAMs into which the OS can be loaded, I do not consider this a serious obstacle. On the other hand, as the refresh is performed only when a memory access elsewhere is in progress, there are never any wait cycles. As a result, all programs run 3-5% faster from this Alt-RAM than previously from ST-RAM. The board with a complete 8MB load and two EPROMs draws about
700mA. My MegaST-4 draws, when the floppy drive is working, about
2100mA. With the Alt-RAM board added, and with the FPU-board (200mA)
which I added earlier, this adds-up to a requirement for current of
3000mA, i.e. exactly the declared capacity of the Mega's power supply.
I did not like this, so I replaced the power supply with another one
which I had (4A/5V; 1.6A/12V). I suppose that, had I used one 8MB
memory module instead of eight 1MB modules, the power required would
be significantly less so that possibly the original power supply could
be kept.
In order to take care of the increased heating, I installed an additional fan into the Mega's box, in the corner diagonally opposed to the location of the poser supply. This fan pushes new air in, to the nearby Alt-RAM board and the CPU, while the power supply fan pushes the heated air out in the opposite corner. The board works fine on a 8MHz MegaST, and the timings would be ok
for a 10MHz or (somewhat marginal) for 12MHz acceleration, but most
probably would -not- work for 16MHz access without some changes.
A small program (thanks to everyone who helped me with this) is
used at boot time to declare Alt-RAM to the system. The program reads
Alt-RAM configuration (size and starting address) from a small config.
Some problems were encountered during development. Slight low-pass
filtering of the AS signal was required. I found out that 74F245 chips
of different manufacturers behave noticeably differently regarding
logic levels and delay times. Then, I had the bad luck that the set of
1MB SIMMs I obtained some long time ago were for 3.3V, which, of
course, I did not know and which produced a lot of errors until I
discovered the cause. It turned out that 1MB SIMMs, while not costing
anything, are not easyto find anymore, so I provided the 3.3V and,
after some experimenting, convinced the SIMMs to work. Another problem
occured with the DMA-chip (see my other post). A long time ago, in
this computer the two ROM chips were replaced by six EPROMs with
TOS1.4. Later, I added a FPU board. Addition of this Alt-RAM board
seems to have been too much on the data bus for the poor DMA chip
which obviously does not have enough bus-driving power and started
producing data errors (btw. this is the CO25913-38 chip which was
reported to produce disk errors in STe computers). I found out that by
removing either the new TOS 2.06 EPROMs or any two (out of six) of the
old TOS 1.4 EPROMs, the errors disappear. As I do not like the idea of
replacing the DMA chip (not socketed, and, besides, I do not have
another one), I have yet to decide what to do: completely remove old
TOS 1.4 or remove the new EPROMs and load TOS 2.06 into ST-RAM using
the old TOS 1.4. Or else- I may consider changing the design of the
board so that the new EPROMs sit "behind" the Alt-RAM bus
transcievers and do not additionally load the data bus. But this may
require one chip more on the board.
The board is currently in my Mega (less the EPROMs for the moment)
with full 8MB Alt-RAM, and the just-noticeably increased speed,
together with larger memory (more then 10MB free with NVDI, some
accessories and other things loaded) and ability to load items
previously impossible, gives a very nice feel. OS
replacements/expansions like Magic or Mint or a nice desktop like
Jinnee become realistic options instead of hypothetical possibilities.
Recently I have made an upgrade for my MegaST (see my other post),
the upgrade consisting of 8MB of Alt-RAM and EPROMs for TOS 2.06. TOS
2.06 can be switched off and the machine reverted to on-motherboard
TOS 1.4.
In testing the card, I noticed that errors in hard disk access
happen. I found out that errors disappear if I remove the TOS 2.06
EPROMs, but occur again if those are physically in the machine, even
if they are deactivated and the computer is running old TOS 1.4. Then
I found out that the errors disappear again if I remove just any two
or four of the six old TOS 1.4 EPROMs and boot the computer from new
TOS 2.06 EPROMs.
Further tests showed that the frequency of disk errors was
significantly reduced (but not completely eliminated) if I placed a
very large (several uF) decoupling capacitor immediately next to DMA
chip, and reduced even more if power supply voltage was increased to
cca 5.10 V.
Checking the part number of the DMA chip, I found out that it was
the CO25913-38, which was reported to produce exactly this type of
errors in some STEs (and MegaSTEs?).
My conclusion is that the CO25913-38 version of DMA chip simply
does not have enough bus-driving capacity and is thus producing
erroneous data on the bus. It seems that it was running near its
limits from the start, so that in the original state of my MegaST this
made no problems, but since then the data bus in this computer has
been loaded more and more with:
- replacing the original two ROM chips with six-chip TOS 1.4;
So, beside the STe owners, anyone attempting adding upgrades which
sit on the data bus in a ST-series computer should beware of this
version of the DMA chip.
Regards; Djordje Vukovic <vdjole@EUnet.yu>
Copyright © Robert Schaffner (doit@doitarchive.de) Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Mai 2004 |
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