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You must have two floppy drives to use BLITZ!
BLITZ is a revolutionary new back-up system for the Atari ST
computer. BLITZ uses ONLY a special cable and software to back-up your
software at at a speed and power unheard of before. There is NO
internal wiring done to the computer. The BLITZ cable copies from
Drive 1 out through the Computer printer port to drive 2. It reads
Drive 1 and writes Drive 2 at the same time. The time it takes a
normal copy program to read a disk, the BLITZ reads and writes the
disk in one pass. The BLITZ backs-up protected and non-protected disks
in the same amount of time.
BLITZ only made copies from Drive A, an internal drive or an
external drive to Drive B, an external drive.
You will NOT be able to use your external drive in a normal way
with the BLITZ cable plugged in. This cable also need
"BLITZ.PRG" and "BLITZ.RSC" on your computer!
1 - 6 Foot ST Drive Cable
To assemble the BLITZ cable, basically all you have to do is cut
an Atari disk drive cable and add a third plug that goes to your
computer printer port. If you own an internal drive you should measure
the distance from your computer to your external drive and cut the
cable accordingly (Remembering that the total cable length is 6 feet
and that the rest of the cable goes from the computer's printer port
to the computer's disk drive port). However, if you own two external
disk drives, cutting the cable in half is probably better, because
both drives should be of equal distance from the computer.
On the next page are all the connections necessary to build the
cable. However, the cable wire colors are ONLY from the cable supplied
by at your service.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 PIN MALE PLUG (ATARI DIN STYLE) PIN LAYOUT (VIEWING FRONT OF PLUG/PIN SIDE) GRY * VIO * 3 1 2 * WHT BLU * 5 RED 4 * BLK GRN * 7 ORG * BRN 6 * PEA/BLK YEL * 9 * 14 * 8 * BLU/BLK PEA * 11 13 12 10 * WHT/BLK ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 PIN MALE PLUG (DB STYLE) PIN LAYOUT (VIEWING REAR OF PLUG/SOLDER SIDE) BLU & BLU/ WHT/ PEA/ ORG BLK RED BLK YEL BLK BRN BLK WHT 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 GRN
COMPUTER (INTERNAL) COMPUTER OR DRIVE 1 (EXTERNAL) DRIVE 2 PRINTER OUT PORT IN PORT OUT PORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 PIN DIN PLUG (MALE) 14 PIN DIN PLUG (MALE) 25 PIN DB PLUG (MALE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Read Data 2 --WHITE--------------- 2 - Side 0 Select Logic Gnd 3 --VIOLET--VIOLET-- 3 - Logic Ground 4 --BLACK--------------- 9 - Index Pulse 5 --BLUE---------------- 3 - Drive 0 Select 6 --PEACH/BLACK--------- 3 - Drive 1 Select 7 --GREEN-------------- 20 - Logic Ground 8 --BLUE/BLACK---------- 7 - Motor ON 9 --YELLOW-------------- 6 - Direction IN 10 --WHITE/BLACK--------- 5 - Step Pulse Read Data 1 --GRAY--PEACH-- 11 - Write Data 12 --BROWN--------------- 4 - Write Gate 13 --ORANGE------------- 11 - Track 0 14 --RED----------------- 8 - Write Protect SHIELD --------------- SHIELD ----------------- SHIELD
Any technical information from: AT YOUR SERVICE
Copyright © Robert Schaffner (doit@doitarchive.de) Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Mai 2004 |
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