Home Falcon Video - VGA/RGB ScreenEye + HandyCam ScreenBlaster

8.5 Videoregister

Einige wichtige F030-Register

Diese Auflistung der Falcon-Register stammt von (c) Aura
Address Size  Description                        Bits used Read/Write
 $E00000|     |512KB TOS-ROM                               |R(TT/F030)
    :   |     |                                            |
 $EFFFFF|     |                                            |
 $FA0000|     |128KB Cartridge-ROM                         |R
    :   |     |                                            |
 $FBFFFF|     |                                            |
 ############## Falcon030 IDE Controller #############################
 $F00000|???? |???                                         |??? (F030)
    :   |  :  | :                                          | :     :
 $F0003F|???? |???                                         |??? (F030)
 ############## Falcon030 Processor Control ##########################
 $FF8007|byte |Falcon Bus Control       BIT . . 5 . . 2 . 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |STe Bus Emulation (0 - on) ------'     |   ||
        |     |Blitter (0 - 8mhz, 1 - 16mhz) ---------'   ||
        |     |68030 (0 - 8mhz, 1 - 16mhz) ---------------'|
 ############## Falcon030 VIDEL Video Controller #####################
 $FF8006|byte |Monitor Type                         BIT 1 0|R   (F030)
        |     |00 - Monochrome (SM124) -----------------+-+|
        |     |01 - Color (SC1224) ---------------------+-+|
        |     |10 - VGA Color --------------------------+-+|
        |     |11 - Television -------------------------+-'|
 $FF820E|word |Offset to next line                         |R/W (F030)
 $FF8210º¯ord |VWRAP - Linewidth in words                  |R/W (F030)
 $FF8266|word |SPSHIFT            BIT 1 . 8 . 6 5 4 . . . .|R/W (F030)
        |     |                       0   |   | | |        |
        |     |2-colour mode ---------'   |   | | |        |
        |     |Truecolour mode -----------'   | | |        |
        |     |Use external hsync ------------' | |        |
        |     |Use external vsync --------------' |        |
        |     |Bitplane mode ---------------------'        |
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |      Horizontal Control Registers    (9bit)|
 $FF8280|word |HHC - Horizontal Hold Counter               |R   (F030)
 $FF8282|word |HHT - Horizontal Hold Timer                 |R/W (F030)
 $FF8284|word |HBB - Horizontal Border Begin               |R/W (F030)
 $FF8286|word |HBE - Horizontal Border End                 |R/W (F030)
 $FF8288|word |HDB - Horizontal Display Begin              |R/W (F030)
 $FF828A|word |HDE - Horizontal Display End                |R/W (F030)
 $FF828C|word |HSS - Horizontal SS                         |R/W (F030)
 $FF828E|word |HFS - Horizontal FS                         |R/W (F030)
 $FF8290|word |HEE - Horizontal EE                         |R/W (F030)
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |      Vertical Control Registers     (10bit)|
 $FF82A0|word |VFC - Vertcial Frequency Counter            |R   (F030)
 $FF82A2|word |VFT - Vertical Frequency Timer              |R/W (F030)
 $FF82A4|word |VBB - Vertical Border Begin                 |R/W (F030)
 $FF82A6|word |VBE - Vertical Border End  (count 1/2 lines)|R/W (F030)
 $FF82A8|word |VDB - Vertical Display Begin                |R/W (F030)
 $FF82AA|word |VDE - Vertical Display End                  |R/W (F030)
 $FF82AC|word |VSS - Vertical SS                           |R/W (F030)
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
 $FF82C2|word |VCO - Video Control              BIT 3 2 1 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |Quarter pixel width (4x pixels) -----' | | ||
        |     |Halve pixel width (double pixels) -----' | ||
        |     |Skip line (interlace) -------------------' ||
        |     |Line doubling -----------------------------'|
 ############## YM2149 Sound Chip ####################################
 $FF8800|byte |Read data/Register select                   |R/W
        |     |Port A (register 14)     BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
        |     |frei                         + | | | | | | ||  (ST/STE)
        |     |LAN/Serial2 Select           + | | | | | | ||      (TT)
        |     |IDE Drive On/OFF ------------' | | | | | | ||    (F030)
        |     |Monitor jack GPO pin ----------+ | | | | | ||
        |     |Internal Speaker On/Off -------' | | | | | ||    (F030)
        |     |Centronics strobe ---------------' | | | | ||
        |     |RS-232 DTR output -----------------' | | | ||
        |     |RS-232 RTS output -------------------' | | ||
        |     |Drive select 1 ------------------------' | ||
        |     |Drive select 0 --------------------------' ||
        |     |Drive side select -------------------------'|
        |     |Port B - (register 15) Parallel port        |
 $FF8802|byte |Write data                                  |W
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |Note:   PSG Registers are now fixed at these|
        |     |addresses.  All  other  addresses are masked|
        |     |out on the Falcon.  Any writes to the shadow|
        |     |registers $8804-$8900 will cause a bus error|
 ############## DMA Sound System #####################################
 $FF8900|byte |Buffer interrupts                BIT 3 2 1 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |TimerA-Int at end of record buffer --' | | ||
        |     |TimerA-Int at end of replay buffer ----' | ||
        |     |MFP-15-Int (I7) at end of record buffer -' ||
        |     |MFP-15-Int (I7) at end of replay buffer ---'|
 $FF8901|byte |DMA Control Register     BIT 7 . 5 4 . . 1 0|R/W
        |     |1 - select record register --+   | |     | ||    (F030)
        |     |0 - select replay register --'   | |     | ||    (F030)
        |     |Loop record buffer --------------' |     | ||    (F030)
        |     |DMA Record on ---------------------'     | ||    (F030)
        |     |Loop replay buffer ----------------------' ||     (STE)
        |     |DMA Replay on -----------------------------'|     (STE)
 $FF8903|byte |Frame start address (high byte)             |R/W  (STE)
 $FF8905|byte |Frame start address (mid byte)              |R/W  (STE)
 $FF8907|byte |Frame start address (low byte)              |R/W  (STE)
 $FF8909|byte |Frame address counter (high byte)           |R    (STE)
 $FF890B|byte |Frame address counter (mid byte)            |R    (STE)
 $FF890D|byte |Frame address counter (low byte)            |R    (STE)
 $FF890F|byte |Frame end address (high byte)               |R/W  (STE)
 $FF8911|byte |Frame end address (mid byte)                |R/W  (STE)
 $FF8913|byte |Frame end address (low byte)                |R/W  (STE)
 $FF8920|byte |DMA Track Control            BIT 5 4 . . 1 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |00 - Set DAC to Track 0 ---------+-+     | ||
        |     |01 - Set DAC to Track 1 ---------+-+     | ||
        |     |10 - Set DAC to Track 2 ---------+-+     | ||
        |     |11 - Set DAC to Track 3 ---------+-'     | ||
        |     |00 - Play 1 Track -----------------------+-+|
        |     |01 - Play 2 Tracks ----------------------+-+|
        |     |10 - Play 3 Tracks ----------------------+-+|
        |     |11 - Play 4 Tracks ----------------------+-'|
 $FF8921|byte |Sound mode control       BIT 7 6 . . . . 1 0|R/W  (STE)
        |     |0 - Stereo, 1 - Mono --------' |         | ||
        |     |0 - 8bit ----------------------+         | ||
        |     |1 - 16bit (F030 only) ---------'         | ||    (F030)
        |     |Frequency control bits                   | ||
        |     |00 - Off (F030) -------------------------+-+|    (F030)
        |     |00 - 6258hz frequency (STE only) --------+-+|
        |     |01 - 12517hz frequency ------------------+-+|
        |     |10 - 25033hz frequency ------------------+-+|
        |     |11 - 50066hz frequency ------------------+-'|
        |     |Samples are always signed. In stereo mode,  |
        |     |data is arranged in pairs with high pair the|
        |     |left channel, low pair right channel. Sample|
        |     |length must ALWAYS be even in either mono or|
        |     |stereo mode.                                |
        |     |Example: 8 bit Stereo : LRLRLRLRLRLR        |
        |     |        16 bit Stereo : LLRRLLRRLLRR (F030) |
        |     |2 track 16 bit stereo : LLRRllrrLLRR (F030) |
 ############## Falcon030 DMA/DSP Controllers ########################
 $FF8930|word |Crossbar Source Controller                  |R/W (F030)
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |Source: External Input           BIT 3 2 1 0|
        |     |0 - DSP IN, 1 - All others ----------' | | ||
        |     |00 - 25.175Mhz clock ------------------+-+ ||
        |     |01 - External clock -------------------+-+ ||
        |     |10 - 32Mhz clock ----------------------+-' ||
        |     |0 - Handshake on, 1 - Handshake off -------'|
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |Source: A/D Convertor            BIT 7 6 5 4|
        |     |1 - Connect, 0 - disconnect ---------' | | ||
        |     |00 - 25.175Mhz clock ------------------+-+ ||
        |     |01 - External clock -------------------+-+ ||
        |     |10 - 32Mhz clock (Don't use) ----------+-' ||
        |     |0 - Handshake on, 1 - Handshake off -------'|
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |Source: DMA-PLAYBACK           BIT 11 10 9 8|
        |     |0 - Handshaking on, dest DSP-REC ---+  | | ||
        |     |1 - Destination is not DSP-REC -----'  | | ||
        |     |00 - 25.175Mhz clock ------------------+-+ ||
        |     |01 - External clock -------------------+-+ ||
        |     |10 - 32Mhz clock ----------------------+-' ||
        |     |0 - Handshake on, 1 - Handshake off -------'|
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |Source: DSP-XMIT             Bit 15 14 13 12|
        |     |0 - Tristate and disconnect DSP --+  |  |  ||
        |     |    (Only for external SSI use)   |  |  |  ||
        |     |1 - Connect DSP to multiplexer ---'  |  |  ||
        |     |00 - 25.175Mhz clock ----------------+--+  ||
        |     |01 - External clock -----------------+--+  ||
        |     |10 - 32Mhz clock --------------------+--'  ||
        |     |0 - Handshake on, 1 - Handshake off -------'|
 $FF8932|word |Crossbar Destination Controller             |R/W (F030)
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |Destination: External Output     BIT 3 2 1 0|
        |     |0 - DSP out, 1 - All others ---------' | | ||
        |     |00 - Source DMA-PLAYBACK --------------+-+ ||
        |     |01 - Source DSP-XMIT ------------------+-+ ||
        |     |10 - Source External Input ------------+-+ ||
        |     |11 - Source A/D Convertor -------------+-' ||
        |     |0 - Handshake on, 1 - Handshake off -------'|
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |Destination: D/A Convertor       BIT 7 6 5 4|
        |     |1 - Connect, 0 - Disconnect ---------' | | ||
        |     |00 - Source DMA-PLAYBACK --------------+-+ ||
        |     |01 - Source DSP-XMIT ------------------+-+ ||
        |     |10 - Source External Input ------------+-+ ||
        |     |11 - Source A/D Convertor -------------+-' ||
        |     |0 - Handshake on, 1 - Handshake off -------'|
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |Destination: DMA-Record        BIT 11 10 9 8|
        |     |0 - Handshaking on, src DSP-XMIT ---+  | | ||
        |     |1 - Source is not DSP-XMIT ---------'  | | ||
        |     |00 - Source DMA-PLAYBACK --------------+-+ ||
        |     |01 - Source DSP-XMIT ------------------+-+ ||
        |     |10 - Source External Input ------------+-+ ||
        |     |11 - Source A/D Convertor -------------+-' ||
        |     |0 - Handshake on, 1 - Handshake off -------'|
        |     +--------------------------------------------+
        |     |Destination: DSP-RECORD      BIT 15 14 13 12|
        |     |0 - Tristate and disconnect DSP --+  |  |  ||
        |     |    (Only for external SSI use)   |  |  |  ||
        |     |1 - Connect DSP to multiplexer ---'  |  |  ||
        |     |00 - Source DMA-PLAYBACK ------------+--+  ||
        |     |01 - Source DSP-XMIT ----------------+--+  ||
        |     |10 - Source External Input ----------+--+  ||
        |     |11 - Source A/D Convertor -----------+--'  ||
        |     |0 - Handshake on, 1 - Handshake off -------'|
 $FF8934|byte |Frequency Divider External Clock BIT 3 2 1 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |0000 - STE-Compatible mode                  |
        |     |0001 - 1111  Divide by 256 and then number  |
 $FF8935|byte |Frequency Divider Internal Sync  BIT 3 2 1 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |0000 - STE-Compatible mode   1000 - 10927Hz*|
        |     |0001 - 49170Hz               1001 -  9834Hz |
        |     |0010 - 32780Hz               1010 -  8940Hz*|
        |     |0011 - 24585Hz               1011 -  8195Hz |
        |     |0100 - 19668Hz               1100 -  7565Hz*|
        |     |0101 - 16390Hz               1101 -  7024Hz*|
        |     |0110 - 14049Hz*              1110 -  6556Hz*|
        |     |0111 - 12292Hz               1111 -  6146Hz*|
        |     |          * - Invalid for CODEC             |
 $FF8936|byte |Record Tracks Select                 BIT 1 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |00 - Record 1 Track ---------------------+-+|
        |     |01 - Record 2 Tracks --------------------+-+|
        |     |10 - Record 3 Tracks --------------------+-+|
        |     |11 - Record 4 Tracks --------------------+-'|
 $FF8937|byte |CODEC Input Source from 16bit adder  BIT 1 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |Source: Multiplexer ---------------------' ||
        |     |Source: A/D Convertor ---------------------'|
 $FF8938|byte |CODEC ADC-Input for L+R Channel      BIT 1 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |0 - Microphone, 1 - Soundchip            L R|
 -------+-----+------  ------------------------------------+----------
 $FF8939|byte |Channel amplification          BIT LLLL RRRR|R/W (F030)
        |     |      Amplification is in +1.5dB steps      |
 $FF893A|word |Channel attenuation       BIT LLLL RRRR ....|R/W (F030)
        |     |       Attenuation is in -1.5dB steps       |
 $FF893C|byte |CODEC-Status                         BIT 1 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |Left Channel Overflow -------------------' ||
        |     |Right Channel Overflow --------------------'|
 $FF8941|byte |GPx Data Direction                 BIT 2 1 0|R/W (F030)
        |     |0 - In, 1 - Out -----------------------+-+-'|
        |     | For the GP0-GP2 pins on the DSP connector  |
 $FF8943|byte |GPx Data Port                      BIT 2 1 0|R/W (F030)
 ############## SCC Z8530 SCC (MSTE/TT/F030) #########################
 $FF8C81|byte |Channel A - Control-Register                |R/W  (SCC)
 $FF8C83|byte |Channel A - Data-Register                   |R/W  (SCC)
 $FF8C85|byte |Channel B - Control-Register                |R/W  (SCC)
 $FF8C87|byte |Channel B - Data-Register                   |R/W  (SCC)
 ############## STE Extended Joystick/Lightpen Ports #################
 $FF9200|???? |Fire buttons 1-4                            |R    (STE)
 $FF9202|???? |Joysticks 1-4                               |R    (STE)
 $FF9210|???? |Paddle 0 Position                           |R    (STE)
 $FF9212|???? |Paddle 1 Position                           |R    (STE)
 $FF9214|???? |Paddle 2 Position                           |R    (STE)
 $FF9216|???? |Paddle 3 Position                           |R    (STE)
 $FF9220|???? |Lightpen X-Position                         |R    (STE)
 $FF9222|???? |Lightpen Y-Position                         |R    (STE)
 ############## Falcon VIDEL Palette Registers #######################
        |     |     BIT 33222222 22221111 11111198 76543210|
        |     |         10987654 32109876 543210           |
        |     |         RRRRRR.. GGGGGG.. ........ BBBBBB..|
 $FF9800|long |Palette Register  0                         |R/W (F030)
    :   |  :  |   :        :     :                         | :     :
 $FF98fc|long |Palette Register 255                        |R/W (F030)
 ############## Falcon DSP Host Interface ############################
 $FFA200|byte |Interrupt Ctrl Register  BIT 7 6 5 4 3 . 1 0|R/W (F030)
 X:$FFE9|     |INIT bit --------------------' | | | |   | ||
        |     |00 - Interupt mode (DMA off) --+-+ | |   | ||
        |     |01 - 24-bit DMA mode ----------+-+ | |   | ||
        |     |10 - 16-bit DMA mode ----------+-+ | |   | ||
        |     |11 - 8-bit DMA mode -----------+-' | |   | ||
        |     |Host Flag 1 -----------------------' |   | ||
        |     |Host Flag 0 -------------------------'   | ||
        |     |         Host mode Data transfers:       | ||
        |     |              Interrupt mode             | ||
        |     |00 - No interrupts (Polling) ------------+-+|
        |     |01 - RXDF Request (Interrupt) -----------+-+|
        |     |10 - TXDE Request (Interrupt) -----------+-+|
        |     |11 - RXDF and TXDE Request (Interrupts) -+-+|
        |     |                 DMA Mode                | ||
        |     |00 - No DMA -----------------------------+-+|
        |     |01 - DSP to Host Request (RX) -----------+-+|
        |     |10 - Host to DSP Request (TX) -----------+-+|
        |     |11 - Undefined (Illegal) ----------------+-'|
 $FFA201|byte |Command Vector Register                     |R/W (F030)
 X:$FFE9|     |                         BIT 7 . . 4 3 2 1 0|
        |     |Host Command Bit (Handshake)-'     | | | | ||
        |     |Host Vector (0-31) ----------------+-+-+-+-'|
 $FFA202|byte |Interrupt Status Reg     BIT 7 6 . 4 3 2 1 0|R   (F030)
 X:$FFE8|     |ISR Host Request ------------' |   | | | | ||
        |     |ISR DMA Status ----------------'   | | | | ||
        |     |Host Flag 3 -----------------------' | | | ||
        |     |Host Flag 2 -------------------------' | | ||
        |     |ISR Transmitter Ready (TRDY) ----------' | ||
        |     |ISR Transmit Data Register Empty (TXDE) -' ||
        |     |ISR Receive Data Register Full (RXDF) -----'|
 $FFA203|byte |Interrupt Vector Register                   |R/W (F030)
 $FFA204|byte |Unused                                      |    (F030)
 $FFA205|byte |DSP-Word High                               |R/W (F030)
 X:$FFEB|     |                                            |
 $FFA206|byte |DSP-Word Mid                                |R/W (F030)
 X:$FFEB|     |                                            |
 $FFA207|byte |DSP-Word Low                                |R/W (F030)
 X:$FFEB|     |                                            |

Copyright © Robert Schaffner (support@doitarchive.de)
Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Dezember 2003
Home Falcon Video - VGA/RGB ScreenEye + HandyCam ScreenBlaster