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19.5 WaveBlaster

How to adapt a Waveblaster soundcard

Adapt a Waveblaster soundcard to the ST

The PC-world is filled with simple things with fancy names, and Waveblaster is one of them. It's a impressive sounding name for a impressing sounding technology from

, but in reality it's nothing but a combined MIDI- (crippled ofcourse, this is PC-technology) power- and audio-connector. The purpose of the Waveblaster-port (which is present on most/all Soundblaster-cards and -clones) is to connect a daughterboard with proper MIDI-sound. By building a Waveblaster-port yourself you can connect these cards to your ST/Falcon/whatever.

What do you need?

- A computer with a standard MIDI interface.
- A PSU that can deliver +5v, +12v and -12v.
- A piece of Veroboard or similar, some cheap parts.
- Some experience with a soldering iron.
- A Waveblaster MIDI-card.

Point 2 will probably cause a few headaches, as the standard PSU in the (Mega)ST/Falcon doesn't have -12v. I have been informed that the TT- and MegaSTE-PSU will deliver -12v. You'll also need some space for the card, so this project is probably best suited for those of you that have recased machines with PC-powersupplies.

It's also possible to convert a Waveblaster-card into a complete standalone MIDI-unit (Elektor Electronics, July/August 1997), but buying a ordinary GM/XG module is probably cheaper.

This is the layout of the Waveblaster port:

Waveblaster pin-layout

2,4,6,8,10,12,16,18,20,22,24,26: Ground
3: MIDI in

The MIDI-input is TTL, so you'll need some circuitry to convert the standard MIDI current loop to TTL.

14,1,7,11,15: Not connected
5,9,13: +5V
17: +12V
21: -12V
19: Audio out, right
23: Audio out, left

The audio-outputs are standard line-level, but can't deliver enough juice for headphones.

25: Reset
Reset is active low.

The complete circuit

This circuit has everything you need to connect a Waveblaster-card to your ST/Falcon. It consists of three main-parts:

MIDI "current loop" to TTL converter

The optocoupler IC1 with the additional parts D1, R4 and R5 converts MIDI "current loop" to TTL. This is cruical, I tried several solutions before I resigned and ordered myself some optocouplers.

Buffer and MIDI-THRU

IC2 buffers the converted TTL-signal before it's fed to the Waveblaster-port, as well as providing a MIDI-THRU together with R2 and R3. MIDI-THRU must be used as your machine's new MIDI OUT if you need one.


R1/C6 resets the card at power-up. You could replace C6 with a switch and reset manually, but I wouldn't recommend that as the card can easily be reset by software if needed.

Parts R1 - 10KOhm
R2, R3, R4 - 220Ohm
R5 - 1k8Ohm
C6 - 10uF/25V
C7 - 100nF
D1 - 1N4148
IC1 - CNY17-2
IC2 - 74HCT00
Some connectors, wires and a piece of Veroboard.

Yamaha DB50XG

My Waveblaster-card is a

, which is rather expensive but also rather good :-) Any Waveblaster-card should work, but I have only tested the Yamaha and can't guarantee anything.


Some useful software for XG-cards and MIDI in general.

Tiny application for resetting the DB50XG to XG or GM mode.

Simple and useful MIDI-player. Doesn't multitask though.

Simple and good sequencer, also good for playing MIDI-files. The timing is excellent and it runs well in a multitasking environment.

XG songs

"vchile.mid" Incredible XG-song!
"trance_u.mid Trance
"ambient.mid" Ambient
"chillout.mid" Chillout


Michael's Yamaha XG Page - The No. 1 resource for Yamaha XG Midi!

Updated 17/08/98
All technical informations, drawings taken from:

Copyright © Robert Schaffner (doit@doitarchive.de)
Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Mai 2004
Home Audio und Sound Startrak Audio Brummen