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8.6.3 Eclipse PCI Adapter Eclipse PCI Falcon Adapter
Titan Design Ltd aus England stellt einen PCI Adapter für den
Atari Falcon vor mit dem es möglich wird auch PCI-Grafikkarten am
Falcon zu betreiben.
Eclipse arbeitet mit einer Standard PCI-Grafikarte.
Diese Erweiterung passt nicht komplett in das originale
Die Erweiterung ansich besteht aus zwei Teilen, dem eigentlichen
Adapter bzw. dem Interface, welches auf dem internen Erweiterungsbus
des Falcons seinen Platz findet und einer externen Box die den
Kartenadapter und eben die PCI-Grafikkarte enthält. Falcons die
sich in einem Towergehäuse befinden sind hier wesentlich
schneller zu Modifizieren. Das Interface und der Kartenadapter werden
mit zwei Flachbandkabeln, ähnlich der NOVA-Karte, miteinander
verbunden. Beide Kabel dürfen bis zu 30cm lang sein.
Das ist aussreichend um die externe Box hinter einem Falcon zu
plazieren. In einem Towergehäuse ist so genügend Spielraum
um die Grafikkarte bequem einbauen zu können. Als Grafikkarte war
beim Prototype eine ATI Rage mit 2MB Videoram eingesetzt.
Abbildung 1 - Eclipse Videokarten Adapter an einem ddd-Falcon
Eclipse ermöglicht folgende Grafikauflösungen:
Auflösung: Bitplane: Farben: 640 x 480 8, 16, 24 16.7 millionen Farben 800 x 600 8, 16, 24 16.7 millionen Farben 1024 x 760 8, 16,(24) 65K Farben (16.7) millionen Farben 1280 x 1024 8,(16, 24) 65K Farben (16.7) millionen Farben 1600 x 1200 8, 16 256, (65K) Der Preis bewegt sich laut Hersteller momentan bei 199 englischen
Pfund inklusive der Steuer. Dafür enthält man den Adapter,
das Interface, eine ATI Rage 2 MB Grafikkarte und die entsprechende
VDI-Treiber Software.
Installation an some more..
Installation is very easy and straightforward, although it would
have been even easier with a clip on the power-cord. Now you have to
solder this wire to a +12V source somewhere on the Falcon.
It works very well with my Afterburner, the driver even takes
advantage of the faster CPU and fast-RAM. However, there is a timing
problem on the Eclipse that only appears with "fast"
processors. A 030 (including the CT2 I guess) isn't affected by this.
The Lattice on the Eclipse is fully programmable though, and can even
be reprogrammed while sitting in the Falcon (either by the Falcon
itself or a PC). When/if Sven Karlsson finds and correct the problem,
the Eclipse can easily be updated by the owner :-)
Another thing that Afterburner-owners must be aware of is that the
new AB-driver needed by fVDI/Eclipse can't be configured with the old
configure-tool! I tried to reconfigure it, and spent a week figuring
out why MiNT and MagiC wouldn't work... Don't touch the AB-driver, and
you'll have no problems.
There's not much to say about fVDI really, the configuration-file
is well documented and really says it all. A few things are worth
mentioning though:
Besides this I can only recommend to read the docs carefully, this
is always a sensible thing to do ;-)
Hopefully this can be of help for some (potential) users.
A quick tip from Thomas
For all eclipse users it is advisable to obtain a monitor switch
box. Not only does it save time switching between VGA leads but it
also saves you having to unplug the lead between the falcon and the
Eclipse card when the FVDI sys file is set up incorrectly.
1) The version of fVDI that Cortex supply with Eclipse is
hopelessly out of date and very buggy. As I mentioned, get the latest
version from the author's web site first.
2) The configuration file that Cortex supply will not work. It
isn't even set up to recognise the ATI Rage card so it has no hope of
working! If anyone wants a copy of my working file, let me know.
3) The fVDI option to configure the resolution and number of
colours interactively at boot time doesn't work (at least I couldn't
get it to work) and simply corrupts the fVDI program, needing a
restore. I have to explicitly hardcode the configuration and edit it
and reboot when I want to change.
4) The installation of the hardware is relatively painless,
however it does require you to cut the main power supply lead inside
the Falcon to feed it into Eclipse! This was extremely fiddly and
nerve-wracking for me - the cable just isn't long enough.
5) The ribbon cable that connects the Eclipse board to the Rage
board wasn't long enough to fit the Rage board inside my tower case. I
had to feed the cable out through the cartridge port hole and sit the
box externally on top of the tower case. I've not got an extension
cable to allow me to put it inside the case.
Chris Simon
Copyright © Robert Schaffner (support@doitarchive.de) Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Dezember 2003 |
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