Home ScreenBlaster BlowUp Hardware Eclipse PCI Adapter

8.6.2 BlowUp HardII

BlowUp II Hardware

Cedric MOREAU, cedric.moreau@mail.dotcom.fr
http://bigiup.univ-lemans.fr/ p9548/
IUP MIME, Universite du Maine, 72000 LE MANS, FRANCE
Port Paddle 0:

White    Pin 5          PAD 0 X
Yellow  Pin 1           DATA 3
Green           Pin 2           DATA 2
Brown           Pin 7           Vcc

Principal IC:

0xFF9200 bit 2 and 3 for reading (DATA 2 and 3)
0xFF9202 bit 2 and 3 for writing (DATA 2 and 3)

0xFF9210 low byte readind (PAD 0 X)


on 0xFF9202
byte    data3   data2   what happen
0               0               0               clk decreases
4               0               1               clk increases
8               1               0
12              1               1

How to adapt X-window resolutions to Blow-Up Hard II.

This can be done easily only with the BlowUp Hard II video enhancer (and ScreenBlaster), because only those can set the pixel clock. Other video enhancer can't set the clock frequency (they got fixed clocks so only some video modes are avalaibles). The X-Window video modes can be found into the file /usr/lib/X11/doc/Monitors.txt witch contains video modes for the XF86Config file (the configuration file of X-Window).

In this file you can find for each monitor some values for the video registers.

For example the text for a NEC Multisync 3D is:

"640x480" 25 640 672 768 800 480 490 492 525
"800x600" 45 800 840 1224 1264 600 600 606 624
"800x600" 36 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625
"1024x768" 46 1024 1064 1224 1264 768 777 785 817 i

* The 1st column is the name of the video mode.
* The 2nd is the Dot Clock. This is the pixel clock for the
  video processor. It is the same CLOCK with the BlowUp.
* The 3th column is the hdisp (Horizontal Display). This is
  the horizontal resolution of the screen. In BlowUp it is
  the XRES value.
* The 4th column is the hsyncstart (Horizontal Synchro
  Start). This is the distance (in pixels) between
  the horizontal synchro and the beginning of the screen.
  It is in BlowUp the LEFT BLANK.
  LEFT BLANK = hsyncstart-hdisp.
* The 5th column is the hsyncend (Horizontal Synchro
  End). This is the distance (in pixels) between
  the horizontal synchro and the beginning of the screen.
  It is in BlowUp RIGHT BLANK.
  RIGHT BLANK = hsyncend-hdisp.
* The 6th column is the htotal (Horizontal Total).
  This is the width of a line in total: synchros +
  screen. In BlowUp this value is displayed in W:
  parameter. RIGHT BLANK should be adjusted to have the
  same value in htotal and in W:.
* The 7th column is the vdisp (Vertical Display).This is
  the vertical resolution of the screen. In BlowUp it is
  the YRES value.
* The 8th column is the vsyncstart (Vertical Synchro
  Start). This is the distance (in pixels) between
  the vertical synchro and the beginning of the screen.
  It is in BlowUp the UPPER BLANK.
  UPPER BLANK = vsyncstart-vdisp.
* The 9th column is the vsyncend (Vertical Synchro
  End). This is the distance (in pixels) between
  the vertical synchro and the beginning of the screen.
  It is in BlowUp BOTTOM BLANK.
  BOTTOM BLANK = vsyncend-vdisp.
* The 10th column is the vtotal (Vertical Total).
  This is the number of lines used in total in one screen:
  synchros + screen. In BlowUp this value is displayed in H:
  parameter. BOTTOM BLANK should be adjusted to have the
  same value in vtotal and in H:.


Vertical synchro seem to don't work with the values
so try differents ones if it doesn't work.

Copyright © Robert Schaffner (support@doitarchive.de)
Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Dezember 2003
Home ScreenBlaster BlowUp Hardware Eclipse PCI Adapter